we are hiring – part time lighting assistant

the AA same day photo edit 1
the AA same day photo edit
April 28, 2011
evelyn.joji 2
May 4, 2011
the AA same day photo edit 3
the AA same day photo edit
April 28, 2011
evelyn.joji 4
May 4, 2011

Hi everyone, do yo like to work with Simon in weddings? I am now hiring a part – time assistant working from May – Sept, 2011

if you have the following characters and abilities, you ‘re the one I am looking for

* Cheerful & out-going

* Prepare to carry equipments for me

* Can work under pressure — trust me, I can be very mad and crazy sometimes

* very FLEXIBLE on the working day (please expect to work on BOTH weekday and weekend)

* good command of english and cantonese

* knowledge of taking photo is NOT required

The part – time assistant ‘ll helps me in the following areas

* taking care of Simon photo session

* taking care of the wedding couple, may need to work VERY CLOSE to the bride

* taking care of all equipments

* setting up lighting equipments

* helping simon communicate with the clients

* shooting behind the scene photos on  some occasions

If you are interested, please send me an email you information, working experience, recent photo, and expected salary (per day) to wedding (at) simonthephoto.com

有無興趣跟 simon 在婚禮中一起工作? 我現正招請為期四個月(5月至9月)的兼職攝影助手


  • 性格開朗
  • 能夠應付笨重的攝影器材
  • 不怕婚禮攝影工作的壓力
  • 有星期六,日也要工作的心理準備
  • 不需要有攝影知識



  • 照顧客人,simon及simon的攝影器材
  • 需要幫新娘整理衣服
  • 預備燈光器材
  • 跟客人溝通
  • 間中亦要拿起相機影相

立即行動!!把你的個人簡歷,近照,要求工資(日薪) 電郵至 wedding (at) simonthephoto.com

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