studio shooting

November 28, 2018

A funny prewedding with ice-cream and basketball …… sandy.ben

We have finally appear on simon blog!! Yeah~~(yell like crazy) i guess we have been scanning this blog for more than 100 times since we have engaged last year, and we know you will understand how we feel when going thru this blog, the pictures are stunning, impressive and spectacular!!Right??
September 15, 2016

sneak peek of Crystal and Malcolm ‘s Summer Pre – Wedding

今年的 Summer Pre-wedding Promotion 已經差唔多接左尾聲,今年比較特別,就係天氣不似預期,影了幾個星期,天氣都不太好,大部份時間都不是陰天,就是下雨。比較幸運的是每位客人都沒有受天氣影響,每一位都可以懷著愉快的心情影相。 Crystal 和 Malcolm 上一次的 Pre-wedding 已經改了期,今次終於不用再改。首先都是由 Studio 室內開始,Crystal 選擇了一條簡單的貼身婚紗,化妝、髮型當然亦是由 Man Chan 負責。