
September 7, 2017

Pregnancy photos of Chloe and Felix

Thank you for your wonderful work and for your patience throughout the whole day. We both appreciate the professionalism and style you brought to your work. Aside from your photographic talent, you were a pure joy to work with. You were extremely nice and friendly. I highly recommend "Simon the Photo" to all mom-to-be for pregnancy photos! The tummy painting is very unique and meaningful and we are looking forward to showing these photos to our baby girl. We really feel your passion in taking the amazing photos for us, thank you so much again!
December 14, 2016

準媽媽 Emily 大肚照

最近影了很多大肚照,大部份都是室內拍攝,對攝影師來說絕對是優差,對準媽媽也輕鬆得多。 不過早兩天跟 Emily 了 studio 後,她就特別揀選了而去 Grand Hyatt 的戶外場地拍攝,這裡是她跟 Anthony 兩年前結婚的地方,左這裡拍攝大肚照特別有意思。
September 27, 2016

Facebook Live 重播 – Simon 專訪 美女 大肚彩繪師 Fiona 及 Pregnancy Photos showcase

上年年尾跟好化妝師 Fiona 合作了一個 Pregnancy Photos 的 promotion,這次的 大肚相 項目 比較特別,因為 Fiona 除了是化妝師,另一個身份是大肚彩繪師 (Baby Bump Painter),所以她也會在準媽媽的大肚上繪畫。