The 1st day in Mauritius
January 29, 2006
A busy week
February 19, 2006Yesterday, I had a meeting with a potential client Michelle at night to show my portfolio to her. In the afternoon, I called another potential client Karlie (which is referred by another client) and she was eager to have a meeting with me the same day in the evening. It was good seeing two potential clients in one day!! However, once I confirmed the meeting with Karlie, I found that she has the wedding on the SAME DATE of Michelle … …
I met Karlie & George in their apartment and we had good chat. During the meeting, Karlie & George like my style very much and were ready to confirm with me.
I was so embarrassed at that time to tell them that the client (Michelle) I was going to meet have the same wedding date, and I must meet her as I fixed the appointment with her a few days ago. To put the story short, my meeting with Michelle that night was very good, she likes my style of shooting very much, especially the sepia photos and she confirmed me as the wedding photographer immediately at the meeting. I called Karlie late at night, and explained the situation to her that I gave priority to Michelle as I fixed the appointment with her a few days ago. I’d like to express here my deep apologies to Karlie and George.
I shouldn’t do this stupid thing again!!!!