e-session of joey and stephen
September 7, 2009
wedding of connie and vincent
September 16, 2009I photographed Hugo ‘s Bar Mitzvah at the Cafe Deco at the peak two weeks ago. What a great party , and It looked like everyone was having a blast. Lots of surprise, performance, and emotion, can’t imagine how much time Hugo ‘s mother Belinda has spent preparing the party.
Here are the photos of this awesome party! Congratulations Hugo !!!
BTW, don’t miss to go to my facebook fans page to see the “behind the scene” video
ceremony: JCC HK
party: Cafe Deco at the Peak
the ceremony in the morning at JCC, Hugo and his parents
the blessing
being playboy is the the theme of the party – interesting table setup
the cocktail session at the roof
the signature board – photo taken early aug
we had some games
and fire performance !!!!!
wow !!! let ‘s welcome the playboy hugo
let ‘s dance !!!!
speech by hugo ‘s brother and sister
that made him laugh
and cry
time for hugo ‘s own speech
good speech, good speech !!!
crazy boys
love this shot!!!!
awesome band !!!!
great party, belinda !!!
father and son dance !!!!
looks like a great party!! nice photos as usual!
looks like a great party!! nice photos as usual!
i really enjoy these pictures… get to have a taste of different culture!
the decor and everything was amazing… esp the outstanding table centerpiece… my favorite!!! 😀
i really enjoy these pictures… get to have a taste of different culture!
the decor and everything was amazing… esp the outstanding table centerpiece… my favorite!!! 😀
Thank you Simon great photos, and glad you enjoyed the party!
thanks, Belinda .
Thank you Simon great photos, and glad you enjoyed the party!
thanks, Belinda .
Great shots, Simon.
Could you share about how you arranged the lighting in this shoot (in conjunction with the location’s own lighting)? Say, did you set up constant light or flashes on 4 corners of the site?
Thanks a lot.
yes. a few flashes are set up at different areas of the site.
Thanks so much for your kind reply.
I have no experience at that. Would it be disturbing to the function? Also, do you need to control which flash(es) to fire from your remote or you just let them fire altogether everytime?
Sorry about the many questions.
My most gratitude for your generous sharing.
flashes ‘re set up at different locations, depends on what (and where) the activities take place, and at where I am going to shoot the pic. experience tells, no hard rules.
Yes, I ‘ll control which flash will fire, seldom fire altogether.
IMHO, Not disturbing at all.
you ‘re welcome.
Thanks a lot! Good day!
Great shots, Simon.
Could you share about how you arranged the lighting in this shoot (in conjunction with the location’s own lighting)? Say, did you set up constant light or flashes on 4 corners of the site?
Thanks a lot.
yes. a few flashes are set up at different areas of the site.
Thanks so much for your kind reply.
I have no experience at that. Would it be disturbing to the function? Also, do you need to control which flash(es) to fire from your remote or you just let them fire altogether everytime?
Sorry about the many questions.
My most gratitude for your generous sharing.
flashes ‘re set up at different locations, depends on what (and where) the activities take place, and at where I am going to shoot the pic. experience tells, no hard rules.
Yes, I ‘ll control which flash will fire, seldom fire altogether.
IMHO, Not disturbing at all.
you ‘re welcome.
Thanks a lot! Good day!