the craziest and most energetic couple – charis and tsui-kit
March 25, 2009it ‘s so romantic – wedding of alice and ronald
April 16, 2009just got an email from WPJA (wedding photojournalist association) last weekend that all the results of the 2004 2008 Q4 contest are released. I am so pleased to let you know that three of my photos have been awarded in the Q4 contest. And the better news is: together with my other 3 wins in 2008 Q2, I am ranked as the top 15 artistic wedding photojournalists in the overall 2008 photo contest.
Don’t miss to go through the and to see all the winning photos, there are so many good photos, and definitely get inspired.
click here to see the complete photographer ranking. And congrats to Dino from Philippines, he is the only Asian wedding photographer that get into the top 5 !!!!
photo from wedding of irene and alexis. ranked 12th in the “ceremony” category
photo from wedding of iris and sunny. ranked 18th in the “Full Frame Black & White” category
photo from the wedding of julie and rob. ranked 19th in the “get ready” category
好耐冇上來,一來就有喜訊,恭喜晒!努力啦,希望將來我都有呢一日啦!不過首先是join了WPJA等先!hehe!大家努力啦!good job
好耐冇上來,一來就有喜訊,恭喜晒!努力啦,希望將來我都有呢一日啦!不過首先是join了WPJA等先!hehe!大家努力啦!good job
Congratulations!!! Amazing job!
Congratulations!!! Amazing job!
Simon, 睇住你D相越嚟越好, 成就越嚟越大, 好"登"你開心, 真係好開心識到你呢個好朋友! 努力呀!
Simon, 睇住你D相越嚟越好, 成就越嚟越大, 好"登"你開心, 真係好開心識到你呢個好朋友! 努力呀!
Gong Hei! Gong Hei!!
Gong Hei! Gong Hei!!
Congratulations!! Still remember that we started conversation by talking about your last award. How time files. (How frequently you are awarded!! ) Add oil & support you!
Congratulations!! Still remember that we started conversation by talking about your last award. How time files. (How frequently you are awarded!! ) Add oil & support you!
wah!! congrats!! you are really ever-improving!!!! keep it on!!
wah!! congrats!! you are really ever-improving!!!! keep it on!!
Congratulation Simon!
Congratulation Simon!
Hi Everyone,
thanks for all your love and support.
同時,我亦要提醒自已,不要自滿,不要嬌傲 。
Hi Lawrence,
thanks for your kindness and all the good words you said about me in front of your clients, you ‘re my good friend, my support and your love and dedication to wedding photos really touches my heart.
Hi Elaine, the queen of blogging world, thanks for visiting my blog
Hi Ruby, thank you all your support all these years. look forward to seeing you again in Aug/Sept
Hi Candy, Charis, Kat, Karina,
you ‘re not just my clients, you ‘re my friends. All of you gave me the full support, trust, freedom in your weddings, without that, I am not the simon today
Hi Isabell,
nice meeting you in Priscilla ‘s wedding
Hi Canly,
you ‘re the best !!! can you remember it was your third day being my assistant in julie ‘s wedding?
HI Louie,無婚結、無老公、無男友
Hi Everyone,
thanks for all your love and support.
同時,我亦要提醒自已,不要自滿,不要嬌傲 。
Hi Lawrence,
thanks for your kindness and all the good words you said about me in front of your clients, you ‘re my good friend, my support and your love and dedication to wedding photos really touches my heart.
Hi Elaine, the queen of blogging world, thanks for visiting my blog
Hi Ruby, thank you all your support all these years. look forward to seeing you again in Aug/Sept
Hi Candy, Charis, Kat, Karina,
you ‘re not just my clients, you ‘re my friends. All of you gave me the full support, trust, freedom in your weddings, without that, I am not the simon today
Hi Isabell,
nice meeting you in Priscilla ‘s wedding
Hi Canly,
you ‘re the best !!! can you remember it was your third day being my assistant in julie ‘s wedding?
HI Louie,無婚結、無老公、無男友
Of coz I remember la. They are a very nice couple. (Julie’s home is really far away from mine and I had to get up at 5.30!!)
I also remember how shock I was when seeing you taking photos in such a special angle. I was wondering what you were shooting behind the church, Why you had to lie on the floor, why you asked me to switch off all the light….my mind was full of doubts. And now, haha, after half yr’s training, i know why.
Thank you Simon, you are such a good boss, a good teacher and a good friend.
Of coz I remember la. They are a very nice couple. (Julie’s home is really far away from mine and I had to get up at 5.30!!)
I also remember how shock I was when seeing you taking photos in such a special angle. I was wondering what you were shooting behind the church, Why you had to lie on the floor, why you asked me to switch off all the light….my mind was full of doubts. And now, haha, after half yr’s training, i know why.
Thank you Simon, you are such a good boss, a good teacher and a good friend.
congratulations~~~~~~~ simon!!! what a great news that you are being recognized by WPJA! i believe your dedication will soon take you to the next level… i look forward to seeing you be top 10 in the near future!!! go go go~~~~~~~~
congratulations~~~~~~~ simon!!! what a great news that you are being recognized by WPJA! i believe your dedication will soon take you to the next level… i look forward to seeing you be top 10 in the near future!!! go go go~~~~~~~~
繼續努力! 越攀越高!!!! =)
繼續努力! 越攀越高!!!! =)
it’s too stupid that not asked you to take a pic for me with Canly@ Working!!!
it’s too stupid that not asked you to take a pic for me with Canly@ Working!!!
Congratulations! Simon.
You will be much busier from now on!
Congratulations! Simon.
You will be much busier from now on!
Congrats Simon 🙂 Keep up the good work!! I am sure you will get into Top 5 soon.
Congrats Simon 🙂 Keep up the good work!! I am sure you will get into Top 5 soon.
Big congrats!! I think your work is so valuable not just because it won some awards, it is because the true effort you devoted in each session & the understanding towards all couples. Not everyone can put their HEART so into their work!! Hope you would continue to love your job and influence other people with your happiness!!
Big congrats!! I think your work is so valuable not just because it won some awards, it is because the true effort you devoted in each session & the understanding towards all couples. Not everyone can put their HEART so into their work!! Hope you would continue to love your job and influence other people with your happiness!!
Hi Christina,
Thanks. you words mean so much to me.
Hi Christina,
Thanks. you words mean so much to me.
It is not easy for us to get such result! Really cong.! Let work out more new things in the coming years!
It is not easy for us to get such result! Really cong.! Let work out more new things in the coming years!
Simply the best!!! Congrats. Keep it up…
Simply the best!!! Congrats. Keep it up…