Will you marry me?– e-session of elsa and harold
May 4, 2009
what did u do in university? e-session of yann and alex
May 8, 2009My current rate card post on the blog has already been expired on dec 31, 2008 (yes, expired five months ago), but I didn’t have time to update it. Now I am preparing a new rate card for all new bookings. I am sorry to tell you that there will be an increase of my rate for wedding day photo, video and pre-wedding photo session. The new rate card will be released on May 18, 2009. If any of you had received my quotation in last two weeks, or you plan to hire me as your wedding photographer, the old rate will be honored if you confirm the booking (with deposit arranged) before 18 May.
All bookings will be charged at the new rate afterward.
(updated: 20 May) new rate card uploaded to the "about me / rate card" page