能相擁到白頭,一起偕老 … … nicole.simpson
January 11, 2019
Tips of how to enjoy your wedding from a beautiful bride … .. Joanne.Jason
March 21, 2019

Simon, your sense of fun and adventure was contagious and has touched our hearts. We still remember that you stood in the middle of the pond to take pictures of us standing on the bridge while all of a sudden the water just gushed out behind you – which left us screaming right at the set…
Abby and Kenny
(words from Abby and Kenny)
“Happiness rests on people and happenings, not locations,” – this has been revolving in my mind since the engagement shooting. We are indeed fortunate to have the encouragement and support from friends and exceptional, big-hearted people all along, sunny and gloomy days the same way.
Simon, your sense of fun and adventure was contagious and has touched our hearts. We still remember that you stood in the middle of the pond to take pictures of us standing on the bridge while all of a sudden the water just gushed out behind you – which left us screaming right at the set…
Never would Abby have thought of being asked to sit on Kenny’s shoulder right in the middle of Stanley Main Street but with an exuberant, totally fired up photographer – why not taking his suggestion and simply enjoy the moment? (But we did worry about being hit by a car or anything.) (BTW Abby was literally getting on Kenny’s nerve when she was joyously sitting on his shoulder – but the hero persisted out of love.)
Simon, we squatted down on the sidewalk for the first time because of you. We also shared Kaya toast in the middle of the road for the first time because of you … (Our special thanks also go to Fai Gor and Polly who patiently waited in the rain. Blame us for the dampened toast.)
Shooting in the rain was never a problem to you because you have patience to wait till the best opportunity and give it an exceptional artistic flair. The passion you have for photography and your work were evident whenever you showed us your masterpieces or pressed that shutter with much enthusiasm. We are indeed excited and happy that we chose you as our photographer to capture the most delighted and important moments in our lives.
We were so overwhelmed by the fun and emotions that we completely forgot about some of the props that we had in the car, as well as the sunset shots that we longed to have. Simon brought out the joy and love in our hearts, and those things made the most beautiful scene.
My friend told me, “happiness itself is a kind of gratitude,” so we will live happily ever after in each other’s arms. We also wish you good health (numero uno!) and great joy. May your wonderful work capture the hearts of many more!
Abby and Kenny
(words from simon)
The weather forecast is cloudy with shower again.
However, without asking those common questions like …. “will it affect the photos if it rains? ” or ” any backup plan if it rains? “, Abby just sent me a whatsapp message two days before the shooting to confirm “go ahead”.With the cheerful character of Abby and Kenny, it was really a happy day, there was no pressure, no rush to different locations but only laughter from them.
So I always tell my clients … …“it isn’t about how to take photo in bad weather, but how to smile in the rain”.
and finally, Abby and Kenny, look forward to seeing you again in your wedding in Nov.
makeup artist: Polly of faces hk
location: tai tam reservoir, stanley market, central
駛唔駛靚到咁 <3