wedding of andrea and ken
July 29, 2008
Protected: learn how to escape from the heat for a photo session in summer– e-session of christie and ronald
August 7, 2008Christina and Johnny planned to have this session in April, but Christina got her ankle hurt so we had to delay until last week.
date: 23 July, 2008
locations: Wetland park, big wave beach, the Peak
As it ‘s getting more and more difficult to shoot outdoor in the summer, I started to understand why we need to have a studio, . Not only the heat, but also the overhead strong sunlight that makes your eyes uncomfortable. So, is Simon going to open a studio? … … never, I hate studio work, it ‘s so boring, I like the excitement of walking around to look for new location and good light ….. …. if you ask me to work in a studio, I ‘d rather going back to an office and becoming a businessman again.
Having said that, any way to cope with the heat? OK, stay tuned, I ‘ll share with you a few ways (with examples) tomorrow !!!!!
BTW, I opened a facebook page, please support me by becoming a fan of mine on facebook.
last location of the day – the peak. we first took a few “landscape” photos. Then I passed my Canon 1D to Johnny and let him play with Christina. The result is quite interesting. I used three flashes for lighting setup, anyone like to make some guess of the setup. You can put your guess in the comment section below … …
first stop: Wetland Park. Before we got outdoor, we took some photo inside the visitor center. Both of us like the idea as we enjoyed the air-conditioning
a nice and beautiful location
look at johnny !! I love his expression
we walked around inside the exhibition center
OK, let’s go out, I can’t describe how hot it was … … however, with their determination, we got some very nice photos
2nd stop: big wave beach. my first time to be there. We decided not to go Shek O, as it was too crowded.
One of the benefit of taking photo in summer — you got long day of day light. Even though we arrived there at 5:00pm, we still have plenty of sunlight
great man, johnny !!!
They started to get a little bit crazy !!!
Look like Johnny didn’t like it
the big revenge!!!! My camera and lens were covered with sands after these few shots!!
haha… they were having so much fun… ohh and i saw these pix on your facebook before this blog entry… 😛
for the lighting setup, it’s obviously that there’s one behind johnny… but i’m not good enough to figure out the other two…
haha… they were having so much fun… ohh and i saw these pix on your facebook before this blog entry… 😛
for the lighting setup, it’s obviously that there’s one behind johnny… but i’m not good enough to figure out the other two…
Amazing pictures!!! I became your fans la 😀
Amazing pictures!!! I became your fans la 😀
It’s difficult to guess Simon.
Flash with grid from camera left to illuminate johnny’s head. The second one is the on-camera flash (is that counted?). The third one is aimed at the China Bank Building to light up its edge.
(kidding) is it on your left to fill up the bottom part of the pic?
It’s difficult to guess Simon.
Flash with grid from camera left to illuminate johnny’s head. The second one is the on-camera flash (is that counted?). The third one is aimed at the China Bank Building to light up its edge.
(kidding) is it on your left to fill up the bottom part of the pic?
wow. very nice..
picture 6 7 10 are remarkable especilly 7th pic. its just so pretty! can’t wait for my shooting
wow. very nice..
picture 6 7 10 are remarkable especilly 7th pic. its just so pretty! can’t wait for my shooting
oh..i love your pics, especilly 3, 4 & 8!!! very beautiful!!!
oh..i love your pics, especilly 3, 4 & 8!!! very beautiful!!!
Hi Simon, let me guess, one flash was at the top right corner, another one was on the ground facing upward, the last one is on the 1D. Am I right?
Hi Simon, let me guess, one flash was at the top right corner, another one was on the ground facing upward, the last one is on the 1D. Am I right?
O wow, can’t believe this is my engagement photos. The outcome on the first photo is really amazing as I look like a reporter. (Although the posture doesn’t look too professional)…….HEHE. I love the 6th pic. (Seems like we are inside a big garden…beautiful color tone) Can’t wait to see the rest of the photos……….To: Simon and xiao B: I am very appreciate your hard work and creativities.
O wow, can’t believe this is my engagement photos. The outcome on the first photo is really amazing as I look like a reporter. (Although the posture doesn’t look too professional)…….HEHE. I love the 6th pic. (Seems like we are inside a big garden…beautiful color tone) Can’t wait to see the rest of the photos……….To: Simon and xiao B: I am very appreciate your hard work and creativities.
You have captured a different me, I never know that I can be that cheerful. Thanks for guiding us with your little tricks, eg. putting on a sand scrub on Johnny’s face. Haha, I am sure that I will keep laughing every time I review these pictures. Simon, Thank a ton!!!! I really love all these pictures.
You have captured a different me, I never know that I can be that cheerful. Thanks for guiding us with your little tricks, eg. putting on a sand scrub on Johnny’s face. Haha, I am sure that I will keep laughing every time I review these pictures. Simon, Thank a ton!!!! I really love all these pictures.
Let me guess, one flash was coming from the top left hand side (45 degree side light on Johnny’s face), one from the bottom facing upward to light up Christina’s face. Last one is on the 1ds. right? 🙂 What power did you use on these 3 flashes?
Let me guess, one flash was coming from the top left hand side (45 degree side light on Johnny’s face), one from the bottom facing upward to light up Christina’s face. Last one is on the 1ds. right? 🙂 What power did you use on these 3 flashes?
HI Johnny & Christina,
love taking photo for you two, still remembered we rushed to the Big Wave Beach before the sunset. So exciting, never been there, and happy to see both of you enjoy the time on beach.
Hi CC and Elaine,
Amazing!!! both of you are the 1st to comment here again. Thanks for your support.
Hi Everyone,
For the lighting setup it, it is not an easy guess, I had uploaded a lighting setup diagram, you can click on the original photo to see it.
this may not be the best setup, I just like to share with you how I did it, your comments are always welcome.
HI Johnny & Christina,
love taking photo for you two, still remembered we rushed to the Big Wave Beach before the sunset. So exciting, never been there, and happy to see both of you enjoy the time on beach.
Hi CC and Elaine,
Amazing!!! both of you are the 1st to comment here again. Thanks for your support.
Hi Everyone,
For the lighting setup it, it is not an easy guess, I had uploaded a lighting setup diagram, you can click on the original photo to see it.
this may not be the best setup, I just like to share with you how I did it, your comments are always welcome.
Lawrence Tsang
Lawrence Tsang