I love this same day edit – wedding of rachel and stephen

Top Gun e session michelle and joe 1
Top Gun e session michelle and joe
January 22, 2010
ALERT ALERT !! it 's raining again - donna and tony 2
ALERT ALERT !! it ‘s raining again – donna and tony
January 31, 2010
Top Gun e session michelle and joe 4
Top Gun e session michelle and joe
January 22, 2010
ALERT ALERT !! it 's raining again - donna and tony 5
ALERT ALERT !! it ‘s raining again – donna and tony
January 31, 2010

recently, a few of my photographer friends talked about same day edit on their blog or facebook, talking about they got very upset because they didnt’ get respect from their clients. Things like, playing the slideshow during toasting time, when the bride is changing, or even not played without having the photographer being notified.

I think I am lucky as most of my clients love the same day edit very much and I always got lots of good feedback after playing the slideshow.  But I can feel the pain of the other photographers — I can’t say our slideshow is an art or a master piece, but it is definitely done with lots of effort. Think about it, after non- stop shooting from 0800 – 1700,  when I arrive at the hotel, I  start to prepare the slideshow, various steps such as

  • downloading photos from memory card to laptop
  • going through all photos and select 50-60 photos out of it
  • doing some basic photo edit
  • creating the slideshow and revise and revise

it can take 3-5 hours preparing all of these, and at the same time, I  have to take break and take some photos during cake cutting, march it, or speech on stage. It ‘s almost a non-stop working from 0800 – 2100. You can feel how frustrated it is  if your slideshow is not played properly … …

Love this slideshow of the wedding of rachel and stephen a lot !!! Full of moments and happiness.
And I think I am lucky again, when the slideshow was about to play, the parents suddenly requested the couple do “tea ceremony” for other relatives.  Big big thank you to the MC (Ka Ming) for helping me and changed the rundown a little bit so that the slideshow was not played along with the “tea ceremony” finally. And love to see both rachel and stephen could sit down and enjoy the show. Bravo !!!!!

BTW, happy to see my old client Jimmy, Karina and my friend Lee Wah, long time no see ar !!!

ceremony: Lutheran church
reception: Hyatt Regency Shatin

rachel and stephen

click the following link to see the same day edit

here is the same day photo slideshow. it may take 1-2 min to load [hana-flv-player video=”http://www.simonthephoto.com/customers/2010/0117-rachel-stephen-flv/video.flv” width=”586″ height=”328″ description=”rachel and stephen  same day photo slideshow” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” splashimage=”http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2699/4309187042_66fdf1628a_o.jpg” /]

if you can ‘t watch the video above in IE, you can  try the following one


  1. Joyce says:

    Pretty Rach!!!! takes me nearly 5 mins to recognise you from the slide show!!!!

    You did a great great job ar Simon… !! v.v. nice pics!! and the slides are really telling the story of the day.. full of love and joy!

  2. Joyce says:

    Pretty Rach!!!! takes me nearly 5 mins to recognise you from the slide show!!!!

    You did a great great job ar Simon… !! v.v. nice pics!! and the slides are really telling the story of the day.. full of love and joy!

    • simon says:

      from facebook, I already thought you know Rachel, and I am correct, right?
      yes, Rachel is super pretty and she is very very fit and slim !!!!