it is a destiny – wedding of nina and james
June 6, 2008Protected: a very entertaining wedding –winnie and raymond
June 11, 2008Hi agnes and jim,
thanks for your trust on me in your wedding. there is a little story. About 1 month before the wedding, we arranged a pre-meeting to discuss the rundown. However, I forgot to mark it in my personal calendar and made them wait for me in the coffee shop whole night. At that time, I guessed they must be very worry about me … …
On the contrary, they ‘re very nice on their wedding day and showed a lot of trust on me. Big big thanks to you !!!!!
date: 12 jan 2008
ceremony: Eden Marriage Registry, TST
reception: Langham Place Hotel
this is the fav of the day. location: the swimming pool at 42/F of the Langham Place Hotel. I decided to go there at around 5:30pm as the weather of the day was very good and we expected that there would be very good light at sunset, and I was right. The cool color reflection from the pool (lucky that we didn’t have other swimmer, the water was very quiet) made the photo even more interesting and gave more contrast.
the beautiful sunset. Not many hotel ballroom in Hong Kong have a sunset view.
agnes waiting for jim in the morning
amazing details
the happy bridesmaids preparing the game
amazing!!! they paid a lot of efforts in preparation
jim in the morning
the handsome jim
at jim ‘s apartment, changed into wedding gown
did you see the veil above? I got a new idea suddenly and asked my assistant to hold the veil between agnes and my camera, this created a soft lens effect without using a soft lens or Photoshop
some portraits under jim ‘s apartment
poor crying boy
kids always got a lot of attention in wedding
agnes waiting for the ceremony at the bridal room.
This is a high key image with cross process effect
ceremony at the Eden marriage registry. this is my second time taking photo there. I found it challenging as the area was always very crowed, the ceremony was very fast, and the worse was the quality of light (with a mix of purple curtain, yellow light and windows light). This ‘s a situation that you can’t rely on the available light. To cope with it, I removed most of the ambient light this time (make it 1.5 stops dimmer) and used 3 lights to light up different parts of the area.
kissing the bride
everyone, let’ s have some fun together !!!
a bridal portrait at the Langham hotel
this pic was taken 15 min after the pool photo above, soon after the sunset, the color of the sky changed to blue very very fast. That ‘s why all the photographers call this period of time — the magic hour
look at their friends ‘ expression, their wedding photo in Taiwan must be very gorgeous
jim was singing to agnes
(updated: 11 june) thanks for agnes and jim ‘s comment, here are their two fav photos that I ‘d like to share with you
the is agnes ‘s fav.
this is jim ‘s fav — another version of the 1st photo above
Hi, Simon.
You have captured them all. The photos are amazing and we love them very much. We put our faith in you on our bd and we are extremely content with your work. BTW, just let you know, Jim’s fav of the day is 194-101516_img_9317. I like 834-180305_img_6240 the most.
Thanks once again.
Agnes & Jim
Hi, Simon.
You have captured them all. The photos are amazing and we love them very much. We put our faith in you on our bd and we are extremely content with your work. BTW, just let you know, Jim’s fav of the day is 194-101516_img_9317. I like 834-180305_img_6240 the most.
Thanks once again.
Agnes & Jim
Hi Simon
Lawrence tsang
Hi Simon
Lawrence tsang
有時看您的相, 雖然(可能)沒有用黃金比例擺d主角, 但仍有很大的吸引力.
如第一張相, 我估計您構圖目標是倒影 + 兩旁共6格的長燈, 對嗎? 背景是日落, 但旁邊又有直燈, 請問向那裡測光? 再+ 由男方斜後外閃???
經常看您的相就是希望可以從中參透一下, 改善自己技術 同增加對攝影既樂趣~ 我對婚禮攝影非常有興趣~非常慶幸可以利用呢個媒介認識咁多既有經驗又肯同人分享既攝影師~
有時看您的相, 雖然(可能)沒有用黃金比例擺d主角, 但仍有很大的吸引力.
如第一張相, 我估計您構圖目標是倒影 + 兩旁共6格的長燈, 對嗎? 背景是日落, 但旁邊又有直燈, 請問向那裡測光? 再+ 由男方斜後外閃???
經常看您的相就是希望可以從中參透一下, 改善自己技術 同增加對攝影既樂趣~ 我對婚禮攝影非常有興趣~非常慶幸可以利用呢個媒介認識咁多既有經驗又肯同人分享既攝影師~
Hi Agnes and Jim,
thanks for sharing your fav photos with me.
Hi Lawrence,
多謝,遲些call你,看看7月可否一起影下相 (還記得在中大跟你說過的 idea 嗎 ? )
Hi King Fai,
這張相最重要是時間,室內室外的光線也差不多,用任何測光也不大問題 (我自已個人喜歡 manual 測,基本上全日9成9以上都是manual測光)。當然 jim and agnes 的配合也很重要,因為一般這個時間,新人都在休息、化妝、多謝佢地信我及跟我去影相。
yes. 男方 (camera left) 有外閃。
Hi Agnes and Jim,
thanks for sharing your fav photos with me.
Hi Lawrence,
多謝,遲些call你,看看7月可否一起影下相 (還記得在中大跟你說過的 idea 嗎 ? )
Hi King Fai,
這張相最重要是時間,室內室外的光線也差不多,用任何測光也不大問題 (我自已個人喜歡 manual 測,基本上全日9成9以上都是manual測光)。當然 jim and agnes 的配合也很重要,因為一般這個時間,新人都在休息、化妝、多謝佢地信我及跟我去影相。
yes. 男方 (camera left) 有外閃。
對了, 就是那個冷暖色的對比,總是講不出為什麼靚~~因我心目中很少用這類藝術性強的詞彙,
對了, 就是那個冷暖色的對比,總是講不出為什麼靚~~因我心目中很少用這類藝術性強的詞彙,
謝謝 dm ,下星期見!
Hi Kingfai,
我不敢說甚麼無私的分享,因為我 今天影的相都是參考了很多其他大師的作品,
我初初入行的時候,也覺得香港的 wedding photographer 比較少分享及溝通,好似好神秘。其實我覺得攝影沒有甚麼 secret,相反只有大家的水準及技術一齊提高 ,整個行業才會受到更多人的認同及尊重。
謝謝 dm ,下星期見!
Hi Kingfai,
我不敢說甚麼無私的分享,因為我 今天影的相都是參考了很多其他大師的作品,
我初初入行的時候,也覺得香港的 wedding photographer 比較少分享及溝通,好似好神秘。其實我覺得攝影沒有甚麼 secret,相反只有大家的水準及技術一齊提高 ,整個行業才會受到更多人的認同及尊重。
Hi Simon
Lawrence Tsang
Hi Simon
Lawrence Tsang
Wow, 有新野學,which seminar are you going? let me guess, is it jeff ‘s seminar?
我o黎緊一年都應該唔會去任何 workshop.
I just email my job list to you in June and July.
Wow, 有新野學,which seminar are you going? let me guess, is it jeff ‘s seminar?
我o黎緊一年都應該唔會去任何 workshop.
I just email my job list to you in June and July.
Oh your photos are amazing! I will have my wedding at Langham Place Hotel Level 42 in May 09 too. I have been there many times but I couldn’t recognise the venue when I first saw the photos…I’d never imagined that the venue can look totally different under your camera. I like the one taken by the pool the most.
Oh your photos are amazing! I will have my wedding at Langham Place Hotel Level 42 in May 09 too. I have been there many times but I couldn’t recognise the venue when I first saw the photos…I’d never imagined that the venue can look totally different under your camera. I like the one taken by the pool the most.
I got captured by your first picture (by the pool side) when I first started reading your blog!! It was just breath-taking!! I’m currently searching for my wedding photographer and that’s why i came to your blog …. just amazing!!! Will definitely visit your blog often and check out more of your stunning photo!! Keep it going!!!
I got captured by your first picture (by the pool side) when I first started reading your blog!! It was just breath-taking!! I’m currently searching for my wedding photographer and that’s why i came to your blog …. just amazing!!! Will definitely visit your blog often and check out more of your stunning photo!! Keep it going!!!