I was challenged by cosette and ben
May 3, 2010
wedding of my dear assistant
May 11, 2010a very special couple – never settle on ordinary things. Why did I say it?
Most of the girl would dream – one day she walks into the hotel ballroom in their beautiful wedding gown, in front of all their friends and families. However, virginia and Jerome liked to have something special, that they finally decided to wear the very tranditional chinese dress at the start of the banquet at four seasons hotel. Really Cool !!!
ceremony: st. anthony’s church
reception: four seasons hotel hong kong
wedding planner: marriage maestros
virginia in “掛” ,”鳳冠” and “轎”
get ready shots – virginia, her mother and all the happy bridesmaids
wow !!!! Jerome and his ice hockey friends
love that shot. Jerome was looking forward to see the bride !~~~
tea ceremony at jerome ‘s family
finished all the games and chinese rituals – finally got some private time for the two
love this shot so much. just before the ceremony, virginia was waiting alone
very very nice details of the flower girl dress
the bride !!!!!!
we only did a few portraits at four seasons, here are two of my fav.
very beautiful sunlight at the hotel lobby
a surprise from jerome – he prepared a video secretly himself as a gift to virginia
Thanks very much! The photos are awesome!You have made our day so special
Very interesting blog, I introduce the Virginian wedding culture, great photos, thanks for sharing.
Photos Mariage Paris
Very traditional. Congrats!!
Very traditional. Congrats!!
Very traditional. Congrats!!
Thank you so much for making our day so special
Thanks very much! The photos are awesome!You have made our day so special
Thanks very much! The photos are awesome!You have made our day so special
thank you ar virginia
thank you jerome. See you later.
thank you jerome. See you later.
thank you jerome. See you later.
Hi Simon,
Always wanna ask, for the BW photos
you took a BW during shooting or should do it post editing ga?
any difference?
HI Jacky,
I shoot raw. then process the raw file using C1 Pro.
then, doing basic jpg editing in Lightroom.
for B/W conversion and advanced editiong, I do it in photoshop.
thanks ar Simon~~I would like to learn post editing lei…
but dunno how to start…
Hi Jerome
Congratulations to your wedding, Jerome! Just doing my web surf and found these awesome photos.
All the best wishes for a wonderful life together.
Best Wishes