get your wedding album before Christmas –
Album deadline

opportunity to work with Simon 1
opportunity to work with Simon
October 18, 2007
wedding of carla and hong 2
wedding of carla and hong
October 19, 2007
opportunity to work with Simon 3
opportunity to work with Simon
October 18, 2007
wedding of carla and hong 4
wedding of carla and hong
October 19, 2007

Hi all existing clients,

If you have not finalized on the design, layout & photos of your album, I highly recommend you to make it finalized before end of October. By meeting this deadline, we can have the albums ready before Christmas (and you can show it in your Christmas party).



  1. Ringo says:

    Hi Simon,
     Have sent you email but no reply (I know that you should be very busy). I would like to finalize the coffee book asap. Pls update me, thanks.

  2. Ringo says:

    Hi Simon,
     Have sent you email but no reply (I know that you should be very busy). I would like to finalize the coffee book asap. Pls update me, thanks.

  3. Hi Ringo,
    Sorry for the delay, give me a few more days to work on it.

  4. Simon says:

    Hi Ringo,

    Sorry for the delay, give me a few more days to work on it.

  5. Ringo says:

    Hi Simon,
    Do you have any update ?  Pls update me, thanks.

  6. Ringo says:

    Hi Simon,
    Do you have any update ?  Pls update me, thanks.