
March 19, 2020

【小貼士 】我是如何補捉婚禮的瞬間時刻

成日聽到 d 新娘同我講,婚禮當天d時間過得好快,好似轉眼就過左,好多野都唔記得。所以作為婚禮攝影師,絕對負上重大責任,去記錄低婚禮當天每個藉得記念嘅時刻。 除左要影 d 坊間 嘅所謂『must have shots』,我自已更加喜歡記錄低 一 d 新娘睇唔到嘅野,而又可以 tell the story。
April 7, 2011

rate adjustment april 2011

With immediate effect, there will be an increase of my rate for wedding day video service. The new rate card was post here. If you have received my formal quotation […]
February 23, 2011

top 10 wedding photographers in Hong Kong

I was shocked and surprised when contacted me and told me that I was nominated as one of the top wedding photographer in Hong Kong. Even though the feature is released on today, I still can't believe it. I feel extremely honored to be named with other top photographers as there are so many I still need to learn from them.
July 10, 2010

something new learned – elizabeth and kenneth

幫 elizabeth 同 kenneth 影相當日,環境都非常差。在大潭開始時還可以,去到赤柱美利樓,影左一陣就開始落雨,重要果日唔知點解咁鬼多遊客,全部人就迫晒入美利樓避雨。在小小的空間,又咁多人,一時間我都有d慌張,真係唔知點影好。壓力總是自已比自已,因為感覺客人對 Simon 的其望很高,又覺得 simon 乜野地方都影到靚相 (我都希望係)。
May 3, 2010

I was challenged by cosette and ben

this was a challenge for me for pre-wedding session of cosette and ben We didn't go to University of HK on the day, instead we went to a student hostel in the Chinese University of HK . For the outdoor session, no stanley market, no shek O this time, we choose to go to the Ma On Shan Park. What about the night shoot? When we 're on our way to Central, we suddenly changed our plan and went to the Shatin Central park instead (OMG, I have never heard any other wedding photographers taking wedding photos there at night before)
July 22, 2009

how do you get to know simon – michelle and tony

Michelle and Tony didn’t have any plan for pre-wedding photo before their wedding day. The plan didn’t change until they went to the hotel last year for site visit and, so happened my other clients (Karen and William) were playing their pre-wedding photo slideshow in the ballroom. Felt so glad that Michelle and Tony love my photos and get my name finally from Karen and William via the hotel staff.