
November 25, 2016

Beautiful wedding venue – Atrium Island Shangri-La – wedding of Fiona and Steven

Before I was engaged, I always wanted Simon to be the photographer for my big day. From the moment we decided to get married, one of the first things on my to-do list was to engage Simon as the wedding day photographer. My only challenge, I thought, was to convince my fiancé to also think the same way.
October 24, 2016

豎琴女神的婚紗照 Jadie and Sonic

其實我心裡一早打算拍攝一兩個景點,有十來二十張喜歡的照片我便滿足了,誰知最後每一張照片都很喜歡! Simon真是pose指導王!簡單的”重心在右腳”、“要見到手踭”等指令原來已經可以令人看起來修長很多。如果女孩子想把自己拍得很漂亮的,可以放心把自己交托給Simon。每看一張playback也覺得原來自己這麼美嗎(笑)?那刻心裡回答了很多年前的自己:”你的堅持與決定是正確的” 忙,然後在時間表中擠出一個下午來拍攝。
September 27, 2016

Facebook Live 重播 – Simon 專訪 美女 大肚彩繪師 Fiona 及 Pregnancy Photos showcase

上年年尾跟好化妝師 Fiona 合作了一個 Pregnancy Photos 的 promotion,這次的 大肚相 項目 比較特別,因為 Fiona 除了是化妝師,另一個身份是大肚彩繪師 (Baby Bump Painter),所以她也會在準媽媽的大肚上繪畫。
September 15, 2016

sneak peek of Crystal and Malcolm ‘s Summer Pre – Wedding

今年的 Summer Pre-wedding Promotion 已經差唔多接左尾聲,今年比較特別,就係天氣不似預期,影了幾個星期,天氣都不太好,大部份時間都不是陰天,就是下雨。比較幸運的是每位客人都沒有受天氣影響,每一位都可以懷著愉快的心情影相。 Crystal 和 Malcolm 上一次的 Pre-wedding 已經改了期,今次終於不用再改。首先都是由 Studio 室內開始,Crystal 選擇了一條簡單的貼身婚紗,化妝、髮型當然亦是由 Man Chan 負責。
July 8, 2016

A beautiful wedding at Grissini Grand Hyatt …… Queenie and Keith

I guess Simon didn't know that I would like him to be my wedding day photographer few years ago which was far beyond the time that I was engaged. Few years ago, I have come across his blog and I just fall in love with his vivid wedding photos. I've been attracted spending hours in viewing his blog/ photos and was dreaming to be one of his beautiful bride one day.
November 26, 2015

Simon the Perfectionist …… kristy.travis

Simon's portraits of brides are stunning. Literally, he is a perfectionist. Having followed Simon's blog for almost 3 years and with several recommendations from friends and colleagues, we know clearly about Simon's style and strength. Still, We are amazed by how far a photographer can go for his profession.
March 31, 2015

反光板 與 diffuser 運用

好多人都好怕係中午時份去影portrait, 因為通常光線都比較硬,面上亦會有好多陰影。好似以下 prewedding ,當時差唔多係 正午 12點,看看右邊助手面上嘅陰影,就知道當時光線很差,而呢種光線影婚紗相,尤其對於新娘子特別難處理。 係呢張相裡面,我同時用左反光板同 diffuser,去改變當時嘅現場光,制造出非常柔和的光線。 係黎緊 4月18號嘅 『自然光攝影攻略課程』,亦會講解各種唔同嘅現場光處理手法。今次已經係課程嘅第三班,現只剩餘少量名額,報名可以到 [HTML1]
February 24, 2015

一個 Simon 最想影的婚禮?…… at Auberge Discovery Bay

第一次認識 Abby 是四年前 Charis 跟 Tsui Kit 的婚禮,印象中就是一班瘋狂的姊妹,說話笑聲也停不了。 跟著前年跟 Abby Kenny 拍 pre wedding 照,一輯又漂亮又開心的照片,絕對羨慕死其他新娘子。 終於到了而為佢地拍攝婚禮,感覺就像參加朋友的婚禮一樣……
February 19, 2015

A funny photo experience sharing from our beautiful bride irene who have been working in catering industry for over 10 years … … irene.tommy

A big thumbs up to you Simon! Your professionalism and passion towards every single detail form an integral part of each masterpiece which will be a life-time lasting memory for all wed-to-be including me and Tommy.
January 14, 2015

beautiful wedding at the Hong Kong Country Club …… pikki.henry wedding day

Everyone 's busy preparing and pikki was having the final touch up. the room was dim in lighting, with very weak natural light from a small window. I might use flash in the room, but it would definitely ruin the mood. Even though the light was weak, the position of pikki was just right that she became the focus of the photo.
December 16, 2014

wedding of fanny.johnny at the American Club

the american club in Tai Tam - it 's not a very popular location for wedding reception and ceremony because of the distance. I have just around 1-2 weddings jobs there in every year, not many. And in all the past weddings, I didn't know why most of the time, the weather were bad, it was either rainy or very misty and foggy. Having said that, I think I was lucky in Fanny and Johnny 's wedding this time, not only we had a gorgeous wedding, but also beautiful weather as well.
September 30, 2014

corinna and mr.chan @ italy

話說我開緊車,就係 Florence 以外的郊區週圍走,我就同佢地講,你地睇睇附近的山頭,睇下邊個你覺得靚,我就開車鏟上去。 Corinna 同 陳生 就看到附近其中一個山丘,單單一棵 樹係山頂上,覺得很特別,就係咁樣,大家就向一個大家都唔清楚嘅目的地前進啦!意外地,上到山頂之後,係山嘅後面就係一片一望無際的山野、草坡,跟山前的景色完全不一樣。