
August 20, 2013

Beautiful bride, happy couple on a wonderful day …… Tina.SiuFaiFai

最近香港如果好天,真係可以熱到不得了。用『 陽光普照,熱到爆炸 』來形容當天的天氣就絕對無錯。大家可能都好希望影相最好係藍天白雲,但如果陽光太猛烈,對攝影師來說也是一個挑戰,更可妨我大部份嘅相都是影大頭,只有小部份影景,有時真係太陽猛到眼都掙唔開……… 當日大部份嘅相,除左夜晚影嘅,大多是只用自然光。有時用自然光要影得靚,其實也不是容易,好彩當天Tina FaiFai 超級投入,咁就順利得多。
February 20, 2013

the most caring and gentle groom ever …… linda.fei

If I tell you that Fei is the most caring and gentle groom in my photos, there shouldn't be any argue of that. Fei is the kind of groom that always stand next to his beautiful bride, always has his hands holding her tight, and kiss her wholeheartedly. I always say that I am woman photographer and my photo is all about the bride, having said that, my job would be always easier to have a groom like Fei in all the wedding !!!
July 22, 2012

Koby 分享『點解未拍拖已經諗住搵 Simon 影 wedding day』的原因……koby.anthony

自然既流露向來都係我杯茶 呢個亦係我中意 simon 既原因 佢 post 上 blog wedding day D 相 我全部都覺得好真 我相信呢個亦係 photo journalism 既特點 and Simon does a TRUE photo journalism work!!!!
May 9, 2012

It ‘s amazing that our beautiful bride Gabbie included “Sofa and TV” in her wedding vow … … Gabbie.Peterson

“This is the big day that we have been rehearsing in our mind for the past year, all the hard work making all the DIY decoration, photo album, wedding video, music run down, special wedding surprise, first dance, wedding reception, vow, wedding photographer, are all coming alive.