April 7, 2018

Beautiful Kathy sharing tips on how to choose your wedding photographer in the market ……Kathy.Kenneth

During the whole day, we could hardly feel Simon’s presence. We did not know which position he went to or how he took pictures of us. We bet that is how feelings and moments are truly recorded without deliberate manipulation.
February 24, 2015

一個 Simon 最想影的婚禮?…… abby.kenny.wedding at Auberge Discovery Bay

第一次認識 Abby 是四年前 Charis 跟 Tsui Kit 的婚禮,印象中就是一班瘋狂的姊妹,說話笑聲也停不了。 跟著前年跟 Abby Kenny 拍 pre wedding 照,一輯又漂亮又開心的照片,絕對羨慕死其他新娘子。 終於到了而為佢地拍攝婚禮,感覺就像參加朋友的婚禮一樣……
February 19, 2015

A funny photo experience sharing from our beautiful bride irene who have been working in catering industry for over 10 years … … irene.tommy

A big thumbs up to you Simon! Your professionalism and passion towards every single detail form an integral part of each masterpiece which will be a life-time lasting memory for all wed-to-be including me and Tommy.
August 20, 2013

Beautiful bride, happy couple on a wonderful day …… Tina.SiuFaiFai

最近香港如果好天,真係可以熱到不得了。用『 陽光普照,熱到爆炸 』來形容當天的天氣就絕對無錯。大家可能都好希望影相最好係藍天白雲,但如果陽光太猛烈,對攝影師來說也是一個挑戰,更可妨我大部份嘅相都是影大頭,只有小部份影景,有時真係太陽猛到眼都掙唔開……… 當日大部份嘅相,除左夜晚影嘅,大多是只用自然光。有時用自然光要影得靚,其實也不是容易,好彩當天Tina FaiFai 超級投入,咁就順利得多。